*Here’s what you need:
-1/4 cup of almonds
-About a teaspoon Olive Oil
-About a teaspoon honey
-About a teaspoon of lemon juice
-Something to mash almonds with
-A blender
*You can just eye ball the measurements, no need to really measure everything out.
· Mash the almonds or chop in a blender
· Mix ingredients together (Olive oil first then honey!)
· Rub onto hands, gently exfoliating
· Rinse with warm, NOT HOT, water
· Pat, don’t rub, hands dry
· Apply a good moisturizing hand lotion immediately after exfoliation
What do these ingredients do for your skin?
The lemon will help lift the dead skin cells and the almonds will then remove those dead skin cells.
The Olive Oil moisturizes as does the honey. The honey will also help your skin retain the moisture.
The moisturizing hand lotion can now seep into your new smooth layer of skin better than it would with dead skin on top.
Almonds @ Wal-Mart in the cooking section are only $3 a bag! Proof that you can find almonds cheap!
Pour in Olive Oil before the honey that way the honey will then slide off the spoon smoothly.
DO NOT use this recipe on any open cuts on the hands. The lemon will burn.
When rinsing hands, use warm water, not hot, so you don’t dry out your hands. Even though we are moisturizing with the olive oil and lotion afterward, hot water is never good on your skin.
Pat your hands dry instead of rubbing them. We just rubbed off a layer of your skin (exfoliated) so you want to be gentle with your hands afterward.
Apply lotion immediately afterward, rub a generous amount on and really massage it into your hands, promoting blood flow and cell turn over.
Do this about once a week or every other week, probably no more than that. The lemon will dry out your hands if used in excess.