
I must admit I only have a few Nina Ultra Pro nail polishes, so I guess you could consider me a newbie. But let me offer you my thoughts and feelings on this specific color from the Nina Ultra Pro nail polish line.
Packaging: Short and fat bottle! I love it! Sometimes when you see those nail polish bottles that are tall and thin, they are easily tipped over. This bottle is well proportioned and sits fine on the counter without fear of me tipping the bottle! This may sound like a an odd way to start reviewing this product eh? =D
Brush: Short brush wand = better control. As for the brush itself, the bristles are full enough to distribute the perfect amount of polish allowing even coverage.
Nail Lacquer:
-Only takes two coats to get full coverage!
-Dries almost immediately! And if you want to add more than two coats, any bubbling will not show since there is glitter in it. (You know when you don’t let the polish dry in-between coats? It bubbles due to the air trapped under the lacquer.)
-The glitter found in the polish reflects in rainbow color, depending on how the light hits it, the glitter will appear purple, blue, green, red and silver without taking away from the purple base color. The glitter, when dry, will also feel rough on the nails resulting in, for example, it would be easy to snag your panty hose. Therefore, I applied a top coat that somewhat ‘sealed’ the glitter.
Lasting power: *Disclaimer-I am terribly rough with my nails so polish tends to chip rather quick even with the best top coat, so take this as my experience only.
-Two days after application my polish began to chip at the tips, only slightly. I did apply China Glaze Top Coat, however I really didn’t focus it at the tips so that may add to the problem.
-From my experience with glitter polishes they tend to last FOREVER and can be difficult to remove, same goes for this one. Which is why I had applied it in the first place…With my busy schedule approaching I needed a polish that would need very little maintenance, this one did the job and lasted well over two weeks!
My Husband Aaron YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/user/verbateem
Textual Errors thanks to Mr. Funny Man Himself
This is what happens when I leave Aaron around the computer, alone!
"I must admit I only have a few Nina Ultra Pro nail polishes, so I gas you could consider me a newbie."
"Brush: Short brush wand = better control. Ass for the bush itself, the britches are full enough to distribute the perfect amount of polish allowing even coverage."