M.A.C Pigments in all available colors! Which can be found at maccosmetics.com ;)

All 21 colors of Jesse's Girl Eye Dusts which can be found on www.jessesgirlcosmetics.com for $3.99

Physician's Formula in Baked Sands--Seen on fafinettex3's blog--Check her out she is AMAZING! http://fafinettex3.blogspot.com

NYX Glitter Eyeliners in Apple, Crystal, Gold, Pink, Purple, and Silver! All on cherryculture.com for $2.00! I really want these for the holiday season! There are also Amuse Glitter Eyeliners that look similar but for $1.00 I would like the Green and Copper from this brand!

NYX Lip gloss in Very Clear, Mauve, Wild Orchid, Natural, Bronze, Whipped and Sorbet. You can find these on cherryculture.com for $2.00!

Cargo PlantLove Botanical Lipstick in Kilarney (soft terracotta pink shimmer)

M.A.C Face Sculpt and Shape Powder in Lightsweep Shadester

Sugar Trance Lipglass from the M.A.C Fafi collection

120 Eyeshadow Palette can buy from Ebay http://stores.ebay.com/Chic-Gallery-eStore

Maybelline Mineral Power Blush in Gentle Pink

Maybelline Dream Mousse Blush in Pink Frosting--But I heard it doesn't stay on...I still want to try it!
OMG just looooove your blog! :D
Keep it going girl! :D
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