Tuesday, December 28, 2010

DIY SPA TREATMENT: Feet and face

DIY SPA TREATMENT: For feet and face

Give yourself some spa treatment tlc.

Who wants to spend money on something you can do yourself and really enjoy? Do it at home and save your pretty pennies!


· Don’t forget to paint your piggies! Try something new like a hot pink such as Pool Party from China Glaze!

· Once they are dry soak your feet in warm water & drop in some lavender to get the full effect of pure bliss.

· Towel dry your feet by patting them, leave them somewhat damp and apply a foot cream. I recommend Avon’s Foot Works Lavender Overnight Treatment Cream. (3.4 OZ) $5

Immediately slip on some comfy cotton socks so the cream can really soak in.


· Start by removing any makeup. The best makeup remover for face and eyes has got to be Estee Lauder’s Take It Away Total Makeup Remover

It is Dermatologist-tested, Ophthalmologist-tested & suitable for contact lens wearers. The only downfall about this product is its price tag. For a full size (6.7 oz) bottle it is $22.00 but well worth the money. It will last forever because you only need a nickel size amount to take care of your entire face.

· Cleanse your face with your favorite cleanser. Make sure you don’t have a cleanser that foams too much because it could strip your natural oils from your face and could cause dryness and even breakouts, believe it or not.

· Exfoliate: massage your exfoliant in circular motions all over your face, being careful not to rub anywhere near your gentle eye area. Keep in mind not to rub too much, if your skin is red you’ve over done it!

· Pat your face dry and apply your night time eye cream and a rich moisturizer. For eye cream I recommend Mary Kay’s Indulge Soothing Eye Gel (.4 OZ )$15.00 and for a great moisturizer that actually evens your skin tone try Pond’s Clarant B3 (pssst I found a sample jar (1.75 oz) for $1 in the travel size section at Target!)

And if you have an extra sweet husband like mine or partner, have them rub the kinks out of your neck and shoulders

If you’re flying solo take a tennis ball, lay on the floor on your back. Place the tennis ball on your lower back, but not directly on the bone, and roll your body up and down. You will actually feel the tennis ball relieving all that tension!

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