Ok I'm offically starting today!
I really want to drop some pounds....
Why? Because for ME PERSONALLY I am at an unhealthy weight...for my height and frame I would be considered OBESE! I hate that word! I want to hear "fit" and "healthy" I do not want to be "skinny" I want to be HEALTHY!
I do want to be here for my daughters and husband and be able to run with them and I am tired of feeling tired all of the time, and I am tired of having that nasty, unhealthy feeling in my body...Time for a change eh? Yup!
I am currently.....drum roll......197lbs.......
I want to eventually get to 140lbs where I used to be pre-babies!I want to do this by my birthday next year, May 19, 2010 =D
I remember being that weight and thinking I wanted to be smaller but now I want to be the weight and just firm!
Heres the plan....
1. Workout in the morning as often as I can, I am not setting days because I am always so busy I would feel disapointed if I didn't work out the day I am "supposed" to. So lets just say for now atleast 3 times a week for 30mins - 60mins....ok? Good!
2. I have ordered my Hemp Shakes which are packed full of nutrients and protein...I will drink these for morning and breakfast and then eat whatever I want for dinner....but I will be sensable about dinner and still try and keep my portions in check.
3. Journaling or bloging....I will try to post everyday what I ate and if I exersiced, what I did, etc...
4. I have followers on YouTube...I will be making videos on there following my journey and I hope to get support from there. EcLuxeDesigns is also doing her weight loss journey on her YouTube so maybe we can support eachother!
5. I won't forget there will be days I will fail, but I will pick myself up and get back on track.
I am tired of saying "Ok, Tomorrow I will start." TODAY IS THAT DAY....FINALLY!
I can already tell this is going to be tough! But I can do it!
Goals Review:
By May 19, 2010 I want to be AT 140lbs.
Need to lose 57lbs!
197lbs - 57lbs = 140lbs
Learn portion control!
Cut back on fast food!
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