Thursday, March 10, 2011

Child Birth - Animation and some info

Signs that would indicate an imminent delivery:
• Broken bag of waters
• Crowning
• Urge to push
• Contractions 2 minutes apart or closer and are intense and last from 60-90 seconds
• *PT feels infant’s head moving down into birth canal (sensation of urge to defecate)
• *PT’s abdomen is very hard

*PT = patient

I was going to post here steps to actually assist in delivery of a baby, but you should call 911 if you are faced with this situation and/or be properly trained to do so.

I hope I experience this miracle at some point in my career!

Here are a few terms:

Neonate-a child from birth to 1 month of age.

Infant- a child from birth to 1 year old. The infant during the first month is often referred to as a neonate.

Placenta- the fetal organ through which the fetus exchanges nourishment and waste products druing pregnancy.

Umbilical Cord- an extension of the placenta through which the fetus receives nourishment while in the uterus.

Fundus of uterus- the part of the uterus above the orifices of the uterine tubes. (this is the area we massage after birth- lower belly area)

Uterus- an organ of the female reproductive system for containing and nourishing the embryo and fetus from the time the fertilize egg is implanted to the time of birth.

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