Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Quick Update on EMT school and life

Quick Update!

Class is going well! I will continue to post blogs about current happenings in class. Those of you who read my blog seem to like that and I love sharing it with you!

This class is sucking the life out of me right now, I’m feeling slight resentment against it right now just because I feel like I have such little time for my precious family and I have no free time what so ever.

I know I shouldn’t be upset at all about the amount of work I have, but it gets to me when my family is starving for my attention and I just can’t give them 100% of it! Plus, everyone knows, you need your “YOU” time once in a while too and I have zero time for that, hence the abandonment of my YouTube channel :(

Class is almost over though! I just have to get my IV certification, which is a short class, and then I can start working on the ambulance!! I am so excited to get out and find a job right out of school! I’ll do some volunteering until then and possibly work for 911 dispatch in the mean time.

All the countless hours of studying and boats loads of reading and homework will pay off in the end.

I’ve loved this class and everyone I’ve met along the way. I’m truly looking forward to working in the field!

I’m totally psyched and the passion I feel for this career is an amazing feeling!

I hope to be an exceptional EMT.

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